My stay in Budapest was a result of a result of a work offer my husband accepted. It was clear to me that I should integrate in the place. Volunteering to the docent program of the Friends in the fine art museum enabled me to find a place near to my heart. Since we returned to Israel from Africa I became attached to the peppier Mache medium and combined it with my traditional paintings. The new series was constructed in basic clean and pure shapes that were created again and again in the natural colouring of the dough. It became clear to me that I should go on making those shapes until a series will become established. Every object that was ready was autonomic, but also an inseparable part of this growing group. Every unit “insisted” on having legs and I attached more and more feet to support and strengthen those shapes enabling them stand alongside: tall and short, thin or chubby. The name “Rites of passage” connected the series appearance and antique ceremonial essence with their firm stable legs that enables them to move. Coping with Steps in the track cycle of life led me to other series: flight, masks etc. those sequential groups are primarily small three dimensional art works that are forming my two dimensional traditional paintings. |
Budapesti tartózkodásom férjemnek köszönhető, aki elfogadott egy állást. Világos volt, hogy nekem is be kell illeszkednem. Önkénteskedve barátaim docens programjában a Szépművészeti Múzeumban szívemhez közel álló helyre találtam. Mióta Afrikából visszatértem Izraelbe közel kerültem a papírmasé technikához és ötvöztem a hagyományos festményeimmel. Az új sorozat tiszta, egyszerű formákra épül, melyek természetes színeikkel önmagukból újra és újra formálódnak. Világossá vált számomra, hogy folytatnom kell ezt az irányt, míg egy teljes sorozat el nem készül. Minden elkészült tárgy önnállóvá vált, de ugyanakkor elválaszthatatlan része a növekvő csoportnak. Minden egység lábat “követelt” magának, és én egyre több lábat adtam, hogy támogassa és erősítse a formákat, megengedve, hogy saját erejükből megálljanak egymás mellet:ki magasan, ki alacsonyan, vékonyan vagy pufókan. Az “Utazás rítusai” meghatározás összeköti a sorozat külső megjelenését és antik szertartás lényegét a stabil, szilárd lábakkal, mely lehetővé teszi számukra a mozgást. Az élet küzdelmes lépései más sorozatokhoz is elvezetettek: repülés, maszkok, stb. Ezek a szekvenciális csoportok elsősorban kis háromdimenziós művészeti alkotások, amelyek beépülő részei a két dimenziós hagyományos festményeimnek. |
Learning and study activity |
1970-2 |
Art and Teaching Studies |
“Hamidrasha” College for art and art Teaching. |
Then 8 Ben-Sarook Tel – Aviv. |
The late Rafi Lavi was the leading artist affecting college in those days, and he noted those days as heyday. Ran Shchori, Fnichel Aba, Eliahu Gat to Eshbal and many others dealt with the artistic education. |
1983 |
Know Kenya General and training courses |
Museum National Museums of Kenya |
Nairobi – Kenya |
participation and acquaintance with the Rresearcher Richard Mickey and an educational tour to Turkana magical lake and visiting archaeological sites that was researched by the ramose family . |
1994-6 |
Marketing Management international trade |
“Ort College” for Marketing and Business Administration |
28 Derech Hatayyasim Tel – Aviv |
Studies came to me when many others already forgot the sight of school |
training |
Institute of Israeli exports |
Hamered 29 Tel-Aviv |
Training In the departments of marketing and information: meetings, conferences and exhibitions and in the professional Library Institute |
1997-8 |
B.A. studies in Computer Science |
Beit Berl College |
Beit-Berl |
1999-2000 |
M.A. Information Science |
Bar-Ilan University |
Ramat-Gan |
Curiosity receives a certificate |
2003-8 |
Certifications in Art training Museum galleries |
Museum of fine Art |
Budapest |
Training diplomas in various galleries; research for art lectures given by members of the organization; founding of the Digital Library includes teaching material… (Activity Summary Letter 2008) |
1968 |
citation |
Department of Education Municipality |
Tel – Aviv |
Jewelry Design |
1971 |
Score respect and Scholarship |
“Sharet'” Foundation for young artists |
Tel Aviv –”heihal hatarbut” |
Cultural Foundation America – Israel |
1997 |
Scholarship of Excellence |
BA studies in Computer Science |
Beit- Berl |
Solo Exhibitions |
1979 |
Exhibition |
Beit Sokolov (House of journalists) |
Tel – Aviv |
There was a requirement for manifestos on my artistic thought |
1980 |
Exhibition |
Beit-Emmanuel |
Hibat-Zion11, Ramat-Gan |
Opening by Itzhak Yaron the new Mayor of Givataim. Sadly I got superseded from most of my collection of paintings. |
1982 |
Exhibition |
Beit-Alon |
Givataim |
television was also open in the exhibition’s opening as the ” Galilee War” just started |
1984 |
Exhibition |
French Cultural Centre |
Nairobi Kenya |
help of good friends allowed to display my collection of new art-works |
1985 |
Exhibition |
Goethe Cultural Institute |
Nairobi Kenya |
Fantastic Realism |
1988 |
Exhibition |
French Cultural Centre |
Nairobi Kenya |
even though the French set difficulties they were pleased when they saw the huge number of spectators |
1990 |
Exhibition |
Goethe Cultural Institute |
Nairobi Kenya |
this time I was welcome by the Institute |
1991 |
Exhibition |
Gallery Amalia Arbel |
Rishon-Leziyon |
after Africa |
2005 |
Exhibition |
Bálint Ház |
Budapest |
personal collection |
2009 February 1-20 |
Online Exhibition |
eBay |
Bochmanshops |
30 works |
2009 February 21 |
Exhibition |
MadeByYou |
Budapest 1053 Királyi Pál utca 11. |
30 works |
Group Exhibitions | ||||||
1975 |
Group |
Beit-Hahyal |
Weizman Tel Aviv 60 |
Exhibition of two |
1978 |
Group |
National display for painters and sculptures |
Beit-Ziyone-America Tel Aviv |
I got plenty of contempt as for my Teachers Rafi Lavi |
1979 |
Group |
Beit-Rishonim |
Givataim |
1981 |
Group |
National Museum |
Nairobi Kenya |
1982 |
Group |
Beit-Rishonim |
Givataim |
60 years Givataim |
1994 |
Group |
“Eked” Gallery for Art and Literature |
Tel – Aviv |
houses – accompanied by a catalog issued with photographs of drawings |
1994 |
Group |
“Eked” Gallery for Art and Literature |
Tel – Aviv |
Hues in the Landscape |
2008 |
Group |
Műveleti Terület Galéria |
Budapest, VI., Andrássy út 99 |
Exhibitors: Artists foreign copyright Budapest |
2009 |
Group |
Hahavav –ecological gallery |
Hanehoshet corner Hamelaha |
50 artists preformed sculptures of pots. |
Stamps – Painting of philatelic mail products |
1905 |
Stamps |
Mushrooms |
Nairobi Kenya |
Mushroom Stamps series was made as the previous designer failed. Stamps Series generated mostly in Israel. They will be listed according the date of appears on the first day envelops. |
1992 |
Stamps |
Vintage Motor Cars |
Kenya |
Zvi helped with the questionnaire that was sent to the collectors of cars. The information about each car was attached in the first day envelop of the series. |
1992 |
Stamps |
Barcelona Olympic Games |
Kenya |
It was not known if the Kenyans will win the medal. The Olympic icon in the background is painted as Massayi necklace made of bids |
1992 |
Stamps and envelopes |
ZOO Animals |
Authority of mail -Jaffa – Israel |
The series Stamps of animals – got an article on the first page of “Linn’s” newspaper on: 14 September 1992. The lion stamp represented Israel at the World philatelic competition in 1995 in Singapore and won an award. |
1993 |
Stamps |
7th definitive (Birds) |
Kenya |
The Kenyans used this series for many years. I also helped to choose the birds that were selected, and the research was also done with the help of philologist as to find the local names of the birds |
1993 |
“meirav” postcards |
ZOO Animals |
Authority mail Jaffa – Israel |
The “meirav” postcards were created to fit the stamps of the zoo animals |
1993 |
Commemoration pages for the Zoo Animals |
production of private collectors |
Tel Aviv |
1994 |
Stamps |
Orchids of Kenya |
Kenya |
In Kenya there are many species of Orchids. Due to the tiny size they are hard to be found’ and local researchers keep this information for themselves. |
1995 |
Stamps |
Food and Agricultural organization |
Kenya |
1996 |
Stamps |
Red Cross Society |
Kenya |
One stamp was participated in a film that was produced in Kenya |
1996 |
Stamps |
Lions International Kenya |
Kenya |
“Lions” is an organization that helps many suffering and sick. |
1983 |
sets |
Canterbury tales |
National Theatre Nairobi Kenya |
In the last act, the famous British royal flag and the styled lion turned to a painting of a vast African lion. |
1984 |
mural |
For Vamos & Partners Architects |
UNEP Headquarters Nairobi |
Painted on a wooden wall in our parking lot, and was moved down the UNEP Headquarters. |
1985 |
mural |
Acharya Travel bureu |
Nairobi Kenya Moi Avenue |
Opposite Trust Bank |
1985 |
mural |
Masai neckleses |
Ya-ya center Nairobi Kenya |
The Kenyans loved this work and took photos next to it. |
1985 |
mural |
Ya-ya center Games hall |
Ya-ya center Nairobi Kenya |
The job lasted two months. Employers were wealthy Indian brothers. |
Illustration | ||||||
1990 |
Illustration |
“The way to self-control – Guide to education of children” by Dr. Tami Ronen |
“rainbow” Talpiot 11, Ramat Gan, I |
I saw the book in use at the University of Bar – Ilan after approximately 10 years |
2009 7Feb |
Judging in a competition |
MadeByYou |
Budapest 1053 Királyi Pál utca 11. |
Ceramic works in two categories : |
Donations |
2009 Feb 27 |
Donation of two paintings |
Windows for Peace – Channels for Communication |
Lilienblum 29 |
The monochrome artworks were created specially for the event |
2009 March |
Donation of painting an elephant for the homeless |
Elephant Parádé 2009 |
Budapest V. kerület Szende Pál utca 3 |
On a freezing day in a cold studio, the color was a wrong. I kept moving and jumping to get warm. That was the moment that the concept was created: I painted my chill and the homeless people’s chill. After 4 hours the elephant was covered with color. A layer of glaze enhances the sensations of freezing. |
Amit szavakkal, és amit szavak nélkül mond
Az én munkám, hogy beszéljek a problémákról, arról, hogy merre tartunk.
Auschwitz szörnyű megpróbáltatás volt a családom számára, ők lengyelországi zsidók. Anyám máig nagyon erős asszony. A művésznek szenvednie kell?
Ami Izrael és Palesztina között zajlik, nos, azt nem értem, és ők sem értik egymást. Miért fegyverekre költik a pénzt, miért nem az iskolákra, kórházakra, más hasznos és nem romboló dolgokra. Igyekszem a békéért felemelni a szavam.
A grópjaim épp’ annyira szürreálisak/ reálisak mint mi magunk vagyunk.
Picasso? Ő is, én is jártunk Afrikában, mindketten táplálkoztunk ugyanabból a forrásból, talán ezért van némi megfelelés. Maszkok, melyek mögé bújunk. Közhelyes? A közhelyek, azért közhelyek, mert igazak, mert újra és újra emlékeztetni kell rá magunkat.
Az állatokat nagyon szeretem. Bélyegeket is készítettem ezekkel az állat figurákkal. Valóban nagyon mások, mint a színrészecskés képeim. Többféleképpen ugyanazt? A munkáim másik fele Izraelben van, a Biennálén is részt veszek.
Álljunk tótágast, és úgy talán valóságában látjuk a világot! Izgatott vagyok, tele energiával. Ősember. Ősi tárgyak, ősi gondolatok. Egyszerűség. Ösztön. Kerekség.
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